Albersheim's 2015 January Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 1/24/2015

We offer an autograph album signed in the 1930’s with several actors from the silent screen era. Great breakup potential of some autographs you may never see offered again. List below:

Bing Crosby (D. 1977) legendary singer and actor (also owner of the Pirates)

Spike Robinson  (D. 1942) actor who appeared either a thug or in boxing movies . His first movie was in 1910 (he appeared in a slew of silent movies and the last, “The Bowery” in 1933). He appeared in 184 movies

Bert Starkey (D. 1939) actor who appeared in 56 movies from 1913-1938, including “Scarface” in 1932

William Sullivan (D. 1946) (otherwise known as Billy Sullivan) actor and asst director who had 85 appearances in movies from 1914-1936. Probably best known for “The Winner”

Jimmy O’Gatty (D. 1966) appeared in 59 movies, best known for “Flying Disc Man from Mars’

Harry Ekzian (D. 1981) otherwise known as Ali Baba. One of the most famous wrestlers in the 1930’s and 1940’s in the world

Francis McDonald (D. 1968) appeared in over 350 films and is best known for his appearance in “The Ten Commandments”

Tammany Young (D. 1936) best known for appearing with W.C. Fields in 7 films. He has 132 films credits to his name.

Budd Fine (D. 1966) best known for the “Battling Butler” and “Flying Elephants” – Laurel and Hardy. Fine had 123 credits to his name.

Stuart Holmes (D. 1971) silent screen leading man who starred in Fox’s first feature film, “Life’s Shop Window” born Joseph Liebchen (signed his name both ways). He had a whopping 533 credits from 1909-64.

Roscoe Ates (D. 1962) best known for “Freaks” and “The Champ.” Ates appeared in 148 movies.

1 unknown

Silent Screen Actors Signed Autograph Album with Bing Crosby & Ali Baba Wrestler
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $70.76
Number Bids: 3
Auction closed on Saturday, January 24, 2015.
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